TEHRAN, Feb. 17 (MNA) – The head of Hamas's political bureau stresses that the movement is dealing with negotiations responsibly, and will not take for granted the sacrifices of its people and the achievements of the Resistance.

The Islamic Resistance movement in Palestine, Hamas published a statement today by the head of its political bureau Ismail Haniyeh, Al-Mayadeen reported. 

Haniyeh stressed that Hamas at all times has responded with a positive spirit and high responsibility in cooperation with "brotherly mediators" to stop the Israeli aggression on Palestinians, end the unjust siege, allow aid into Gaza, and begin reconstruction, including shelters. 

He further added that Hamas has shown extreme flexibility in dealing with the above-mentioned points however, it is very clear to him that the Israeli occupation is deliberately and continuously maneuvering around and putting off all issues that concern the Palestinians, while only focusing on its stance regarding the release of the captives. 

Haniyeh reminded of the Resistance's stance, as the latter will accept nothing less than a full stop to the aggression on Gaza, the withdrawal of IOF troops, the lifting of the unjust blockade on Gaza, and the provision of safe and fit shelters for all refugees and homeless Palestinians as a result of the Israeli aggression. He also stressed the return of the displaced Palestinians to the north of Gaza and the halt of the Israeli intentional war of starvation being waged on Palestinians, alongside a commitment to reconstruction.