TEHRAN, Jan. 27 (MNA) – Achieving scientific and research progress, including in the field of aerospace is Iran's definite and legitimate right.

Nasser Kan'ani condemned the interventionist statement of the three European countries, the UK, France, and Germany, regarding launching the "Soraya" satellite, stating that achieving scientific and research progress, including in the field of aerospace is Iran's definite and lawful right.

He said that such interventionist statements which indicate the selfish attitudes of those countries towards Iran's progress will not stop the determination and will of the Iranian nation for continuous progress in the field of science and technology.

Foreign Ministry spokesman went on to say that despite some misinterpretations arising from the unilateralist tendencies of some parties, there are no restrictions on Iran's scientific and practical activities in the field of space research according to international laws.

Accordingly, Iran rejects the imposition of such unconventional approaches, the spokesman said.

Iran recognizes its right to use peaceful technologies in the field of scientific and research development according to international standards and regulations, Kan'ani noted, pointing out that Iran does not need others' permission which imposes their unilateral decisions and actions on other countries.

The Aerospace Force of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) announced on Saturday, January 20 that the launch of the Soraya satellite into orbit was carried out by its domestically manufactured Qaem 100 satellite carrier.

Qaem 100, which can carry up to 100 kilos, placed a research payload with an approximate mass of 50 kg into a 750 km orbit in its third test launch.

The Soraya satellite, launched into a low Earth orbit (LEO) using the three-stage ‘Qaem-100’ satellite launcher, marked a significant achievement by attaining a 750-kilometer orbit and successfully transmitting its inaugural signal to Earth.

It boasts a lifespan exceeding 3 years and, following its orbital upgrade, now resides in a 750-kilometer orbit. The reported GPS positioning accuracy of the satellite is 20 meters.
