TEHRAN, Dec. 16 (MNA) – The director general of the Ports and Maritime Department in Khuzestan province said that the exchanges of oil products in the current Iranian calendar year in the Iranian southwestern province registered a 20 percent growth.

Aboutaleb Geraylou put the volume of trade exchanges of oil products from and to the province in this period at over two million tons.

Turning to the measures taken for organizing and preventing sedimentation of goods at ports of the province, he stated that more than eight million tons of basic commodities (staples) have so far this year been discharged from the Imam Khomeini (RA) Port, regarded as the hub of grains in the country.

In addition, over eight million tons of goods have been exported from the port since the beginning of the current Iranian calendar year, he added. 

With regard to the volume of exchange of oil products since the beginning of the current year up to December 11, Geraylou said it registered a 20 percent growth compared to the same period last year.