TEHRAN, Oct. 29 (MNA) – A ceremony was held at the Pakistani Embassy in Tehran on Sunday to commemorate the occasion of Kashmir Black Day, which marked the 76th anniversary of the Indian control of Jammu and Kashmir.

The ceremony was held in the presence of some Pakistani military attaches, counselors, and senior diplomats including Pakistan's ambassador in Tehran Muhammad Mudassir Tipu, as well as a number of media persons.

The messages of the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Pakistani Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar were read out in this ceremony.

Pakistan has underscored on a number of occasions that peace and stability in South Asia remain contingent upon the peaceful resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with relevant UNSC resolutions and aspirations of the Kashmiris, said the message of the Pakistani president.

Pakistan, as always, stands shoulder-to-shoulder with its Kashmiri brethren. It will continue to extend its full moral, diplomatic, and political support to their just struggle for the realization of their inalienable right, reads the message issued by the Caretaker Prime Minister.

Pakistan committed to Kashmir cause 

Addressing the attendees at this ceremony, Pakistan's ambassador in Tehran Muhammad Mudassir Tipu said, "I am profoundly grateful to all Iranian friends, media persons, and students for their presence on this occasion. Today we are observing Kashmir Black Day."

"Pakistan is committed to the Kashmir cause and we honor their sacrifices. We have sensitized the issue of Kashmir with the comity of nations, think tanks, opinion makers, and civil society. We have raised the voice of our Kashmir brethren at multiple fora and have repeatedly appealed to the international community to address the disturbing situation in Jammu and Kashmir,"

"We are very grateful to the Iranian nation and leadership especially the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei for constant support to the freedom struggle in Kashmir and insistence on resolution of the issue to the will of the people."

The International Community and Human Rights Organizations are obligated to address the violations of Human Rights in the Kashmir valley and help in resolving the Kashmir issue, the envoy said.

He concluded his remarks, saying"On this note, I would like to again thank all the respected and honorable guests for attending this event today and expressing their solidarity with Kashmiri brethren."

On Oct. 27, 1947, Indian troops positioned themselves in Kashmir's largest city, Srinagar, after India and Pakistan gained their independence from British colonial rule. The anniversary of this Indian action is observed by Pakistanis and Kashmiris as "Black Day," while India commemorates it as "Accession Day." The region has been a source of tension between India and Pakistan ever since.

Reported by Marzieh Rahmani