TEHRAN, Oct. 23 (MNA) – The US, Japan, and South Korea on Sunday conducted a joint air exercise near the Korean Peninsula, Seoul's Air Force said.

The event marked the first time for the three countries to hold joint air drills in the area.

The three-way exercise took place south of the peninsula, where South Korean and Japanese air defense identification zones overlap, involving a US B-52H strategic bomber, as well as South Korean, US and Japanese fighter jets, Anadolu Agency reported, citing a statement from the armed service.

It came after Seoul, Washington and Tokyo, earlier this month, staged a trilateral maritime exercise in waters south of the Korean Peninsula for the first time in seven years.

The exercise demonstrated the solidarity between the three countries, adding that it plans to further enhance trilateral cooperation based on the "solid" South Korea-US alliance.

Reacting to the ongoing three-way cooperation, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, last month, labeled it as the "worst actual threat."