TEHRAN, Sep. 26 (MNA) – Iran’s nuclear chief said Monday that the western countries abuse the potential of International Atomic Energy Organization to put pressure on Iran.

Mohammad Eslami, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) held a meeting with the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Organization (IAEA) on the sidelines of the 67th Regular Session of the IAEA General Conference in Vienna on Monday.

In the meeting, Eslami and Grossi discussed ways to develop bilateral cooperation between Iran and the Agency.

The AEOI head, for his part, criticized the approach adopted by Western countries and said, "Those countries are trying to use the Agency's potential to pressure Iran through exercising political pressure and resorting to sanctions."

He asked the IAEA Director General to maintain impartiality and professionalism and not allow those countries to use the Agency's reports as a means to put pressure on Iran.

Explaining about the vast potentials of nuclear technology and industry in Iran, which are used to serve the people, Eslami emphasized, "The Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to provide these potentials in the service of the Agency's plans and also to serve humanity in other parts of the world."

He further noted, "The oppressive political pressures exercised by Western countries against Iran have been fruitless while the Islamic Republic of Iran will not leave any political pressure unanswered."
