Publish Date: 20 September 2023 - 15:31

TEHRAN, Sep. 20 (MNA) – Azerbaijan’s Defence Ministry confirms it has reached an agreement on a ceasefire in the Karabakh region, which is Armenian-populated.

According to Sputnik, Azerbaijan and representatives of the Armenian population of Karabakh have agreed on a complete cessation of hostilities through the mediation of Russian peacekeepers, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Wednesday.

The Russian peacekeeping contingent in Karabakh is in contact with both Yerevan and Baku, discussing the prevention of bloodshed in the region, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Wednesday.

Russian peacekeepers continue to perform their duties in Karabakh in aggravated conditions, the ministry said, adding that 2,261 civilians, including 1,049 children, are currently located in a base camp of peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh.

On Tuesday, Baku announced the launch of a military operation in Karabakh aimed at "restoring the constitutional order."