TEHRAN, Apr. 02 (MNA) – Ali Bahadori Jahromi, the Iranian government spokesman has described the US administration's refusal to allow the Iranian singer to enter US as another example of the US animosity towards Iran under any circumstances.

"The US government, which has a clear record of breaching international treaties and human rights standards," the Iranian government spokesman Ali Bahadori Jahromi wrote on his Twitter account.

Meanwhile, the Iranian cabinet spokesman said that while Washington claims that it has acted in goodwill, it imposes new sanctions and prevents an Iranian singer from entering under false accusations.

Bahadori Jahromi added that the US administration's refusal to allow the Iranian singer to enter the US was another example of the US animosity towards Iran under any circumstances.

The government spokesman was reacting to a renowned Iranian singer Alireza Ghorbani who was recently refused to enter the US by immigration officers. Ghorbani has reportedly been barred from entry to the US to conduct a concert there for doing his military service in the IRGC, which is blacklisted by Washington.