TEHRAN, June 12 (MNA) - President Mahmud Ahmadinejad told the visiting Saudi top diplomat on Monday that Iran and Saudi Arabia enjoy exemplary, brotherly, and lasting relations.

Ahmadinejad said that the two countries enjoy huge potentials for expanding bilateral ties and closely cooperate on regional and international issues.


Iran-Saudi ties in various fields would benefit the two countries, the region and the Islamic world, the president noted, calling for activating joint cooperation committees and boosting energy cooperation.


The president also called for the speedy implementation of previous agreements.


“Some countries are against the good trend of ties between Iran and Saudi Arabia, therefore, the two states should remain vigilant and implement their agreements as soon as possible in order to neutralize the enemies’ plots,” the president told Saud al-Faisal  


Elsewhere in his remarks, Ahmadinejad said that Iran and Saudi Arabia play an effective role regarding the crises in Iraq and Palestine.


He noted that Tehran-Riyadh cooperation with the popular government in Iraq will help establish peace and security in the war-torn country.


Saud al-Faisal, for his part, said, “Saudi Arabia believes that Tehran and Riyadh can play a more effective role in resolving regional problems.”


He noted that by developing their ties Iran and Saudi can foil the plots of the enemies who try to create division in the Tehran-Riyadh ties.


The Saudi official also invited President Ahmadinejad on behalf of the Saudi king to pay an official visit to his country. 


