TEHRAN, Mar. 02 (MNA) – Start-ups and small businesses are always looking for a low-cost but efficient website for their company. In this article, we will try to clarify the path a small company would face to create a website.

We will talk about three issues in this subject:

How much does a website cost for a small business?

How long does it take to build a website for a small business?

What should be considered on the website of a small business?

How much does a website cost for a small business?

In Dubai, you will face a different range of prices for a website. We have investigated that in the "How much does a website cost in Dubai" article in Websima's blog.  You can read that article to find out the Website design price in Dubai. But here, we try to discuss the price of a website for a small business.

As a small business, you can remove some costly options to come up with a decent but budget website.

For example, we recommend you use WordPress as the CMS. We also suggest you forget about the complicated features at the beginning of the project. You do not expect to have millions of visitors in the first year, so better not to spend a lot of money on impractical features.

However, you should invest in your design as it is going to be your business showcase and would affect your customers' first impression.

Based on the points we mentioned, the cost of a website for a small business would be in our first category, which is between 8,000 AED up to 30,000 AED.

Bear in mind that this number would be for a custom design website. If you are willing to have a template website, the cost will be reduced significantly and would be between 3,000 up to 15,000. However, we do not recommend using a template website because you will miss a custom-designed website's benefits.

How long does it take to build a website for a small business?

To understand how long does it take to build a website in Dubai, you can read the "How Long Does it Take to Create a New Website" article in Websima's blog. Here we focus on the timeline of a website for small businesses.

In Websima DMCC, we have seven steps to create a website. You can find the details of the steps in the "Website Design Services" article on our website. Below, we try to estimate the time duration of each phase for a small business:

Understanding the project and its purposes: This step would take around 2 days for a small business with no complicated feature.

Writing a proposal as a project executive plan: The proposal for a small business will not take that much time. It should take a maximum of 2 days to prepare a proposal for the project, but we assume that it will be done in 1 day.

Visual identity and content priority: We expect this step to take around 5 days for a small business.

Graphical Design: This step would be the most time-consuming step for such a website. Because as we discussed before, the design will be an essential factor for small businesses. As a result, this step would be around 14 days.

Coding the website considering SEO standards: Coding such a website is not that complicated; however, all the measures to have a high speed and SEO standard website should be considered. We expect this step to take around 10 days.

Test & quality checks: 2 days

Training and moving the domain: 1 day

Based on the information presented above, we estimate that building a website for a small company takes around 35 days.

What should be considered on the website of a small business?

While building a website for a small company took a shorter period of time, that does not mean the quality is being sacrificed! What makes the differences for a small company's website compared to other companies is not the quality; it is the size and the features.

Bear in mind that while we can also offer template websites at a much lower price, we do not recommend them in any case. You can read the "Business/Corporate Website" article in Websima's blog to understand better what you need on your website. A small business website is not an exception.

Have a look at the summary below on why we do not recommend template website:

SEO Standards: Such a website should be SEO standard; otherwise, you will struggle to attract visitors later, and you will end up creating a new website with SEO standards.

Responsive Design: Whether it is a small or huge company website, it should be responsive. You cannot tell your customers not to use their smartphones or tablets to check your website because you are a small company! A responsive design is a must for any kinds of website today.

Exclusive Graphic design: Exclusive Graphic design is what makes you different from your competitors and other companies. If a visitor understands that you use a typical design used by other websites, you will not get credit for your website. The first impression is the most important factor for your website attractiveness, which can be achieved by applying an exclusive graphic design.

When you have a low-quality website, a day will arrive that you have to change your website completely if your company has not failed because of the same reason (low-quality website) already!

In Websima DMCC, our focus is to match your price expectation, as we keep the quality high. We ensure you that Webisma DMCC will take care of your website SEO standards and its responsive design. Also, we always present a unique and exclusive design for your website.

Websim is a web design company in Dubai, we know the competitive market in the world; that is why we come up with updated technology to boost your brand awareness, whether you are a start-up, small business or a big company.

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