TEHRAN, Oct. 31 (MNA) – Top Adviser to Leader of Islamic Revolution for International Affairs said that Caucasus issues should be settled politically, stating that Islamic world will stand against insult of French Magazine to Holy Prophet.

Speaking in a local commemoration ceremony in Tabriz, East Azarbaijan province on Sat., Ali Akbar Veleyati pointed to the issue of South Caucasus and added, “We hope that problems created by international seditionists, which caused the martyrdom of many people of Republic of Azerbaijan in this region and turned this very sensitive and international center into a problematic hub in northern Iran, would be resolved as soon as possible.”

He pointed to the principles of the policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran and added, “The Islamic Republic of Iran believes that Nagorno-Karabakh conflict should be resolved politically and diplomatically, so, waging war is not the solution to end the hostilities between the two neighboring countries of Azerbaijan and Armenia.”

Regional countries should help the two countries of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Armenia to resolve their problems over the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Velayati emphasized.

He then referred to the recent developments in France following the insult of a French magazine to the Holy Prophet of Islam and support of French President on this heinous act and stressed, “Collapse of diplomacy is clear in France in the wake of insult of the president of this country to Holy Prophet of Islam, because, French President Macron is following the path of Zionists which have been hated by the Islamic world.”

If political unrest is continued in France, this country will face more problems in its foreign policy and undoubtedly, the Islamic world will adopt a strong position against these measures, Leader’s Top Adviser Veleyati added.
