TEHRAN, Nov. 19 (MNA) – Iran envoy to the United Nations said that weapons of mass destruction have no place in the country’s defense doctrine and that Iran is ready to cooperate with regional states to establish a WMD free zone in the Middle East.

Iran's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Majid Takht-Ravanchi made the remarks on Monday in the Conference on the Establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and other Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Ravanchi said it is an ‘honor’ for him to address this conference “that has been awaited since 1974 when Iran championed the idea of establishment of a Middle East free zone of nuclear weapons.”

“We are now very happy to see this conference is tasked with the mandate to elaborate a legally binding treaty establishing a Midde East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and other Weapons of Mass Destructions.”

“It goes without saying that the success of this conference will surely contribute to the international peace and security through elimination of all three types of weapons of mass destruction,” he said.

The diplomat highlighted that achieving this goal requires ‘meaningful negotiation’ nuclear weapon states and regional countries and their acceptance to ‘honor specific obligations’.

“The weapons of mass destruction arsenal of the Israeli regime supported by the USA and the latter’s unwillingness to engage in the work of the Conference are the two main obstacles in the realization of the idea of establishing a WMD free zone in the Middle East.”

“WMD has no place in our national defense doctrine,” he highlighted. “Our well-known position is total, irreversible and verifiable elimination of these inhumane weapons. This policy stems from our Islamic belief, rational calculation of our national interest and that of the region and the bitter experience of being the major victim of the most systematic chemical attacks in the contemporary history.”

He stressed that Iran is ready to cooperate with all participating states “towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East.”

The conference will run through Friday and is the start of an annual meeting which aims to reach a legally binding treaty for the nuclear-free zone.
