TEHRAN, Nov. 01 (MNA) – The second meeting of International Union of Resistance Scholars has kicked off Wed. with presence of over 700 prominent Shia and Sunni scholars from 80 countries in Beirut, Lebanon.

Participating at the event are the head of the Resistance Scholars Union, Sheikh Maher Hammoud; Lebanon's Hezbollah leader Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah; and Secretary General of the World Forum for proximity of the Islamic Schools of Thought Ayatollah Mohsen Araki, giving their speech over the critical situation of Palestine and its leading role in boosting unity and solidarity among Muslims.

The conference is being held under the banner of “True Promise: Palestine between Balfour Declaration and Divine Promise”, gathering together religious clerics who highlight the role of Palestine in the World of Islam and voice their readiness to side with the Palestinian nation against the Israeli regime and its allies in and out of the region.

Opening the conference, the head of the Resistance Scholars Union, Sheikh Maher Hammoud stressed that “the Israelis believe in the certainty of their collapse more than the Muslims.”

“Just as resistance triumphed in Lebanon and Gaza, all plots [against Resistance] are doomed to failure,” he added.

Making his remarks in the meeting of Intl. Union of Resistance Scholars, Ayatollah Mohsen Araki said “after the defeat at the hands of Lebanon’s resistance, the Israeli regime has not had a taste of victory.”

“We are now in a period when we can say victory against the US and undermining the country’s hegemony has finally begun,” he added.

Addressing the conference in a message, Ayatollah Khamenei said “the heavy and unforgettable responsibility for Palestine rests upon the shoulders of the entire Muslim world.”

He went on to add, “I recommend that all individuals, who feel the importance of this great responsibility, continue to fight against the usurping Zionist regime using diversified tactics."
