Inspired by Ahmad Kiarostami, the event will kick off since the first day of March in the US and will go on in some cities in Canada.
It aims to develop cultural exchanges and to provide a means for better understanding of Iranian society through displaying documentaries.
In 1969, a young man of 26 years of age returns to his country Iran after years of studying cinema and going through the hardship of living abroad as a university student. He does not want to become a filmmaker in the commercial and valueless cinema of that time, so he chooses a different and - of course - a very hard path for the making of his films. The result of the daring choice is the two features A Simple Event and Still Life, which are remembered today as the most important and most influential first examples of the formation of the Iranian modern cinema. The pioneer filmmaker is nobody but Sohrab Shahid Saless, the story of film reads.