TEHRAN, Feb. 02 (MNA) – The closing ceremony of Sorna of Vahdat (Musuc of Unity) Music Festival was held late on Wednesday in Shiraz. The sixth edition of the event was wrapped up at Hafiz Hall of the city.
Sorna of Union Music Fest. concluded in ShirazSorna of Union Music Fest. concluded in ShirazSorna of Union Music Fest. concluded in ShirazSorna of Union Music Fest. concluded in ShirazSorna of Union Music Fest. concluded in ShirazSorna of Union Music Fest. concluded in ShirazSorna of Union Music Fest. concluded in ShirazSorna of Union Music Fest. concluded in ShirazSorna of Union Music Fest. concluded in ShirazSorna of Union Music Fest. concluded in ShirazSorna of Union Music Fest. concluded in ShirazSorna of Union Music Fest. concluded in ShirazSorna of Union Music Fest. concluded in ShirazSorna of Union Music Fest. concluded in ShirazSorna of Union Music Fest. concluded in ShirazSorna of Union Music Fest. concluded in ShirazSorna of Union Music Fest. concluded in ShirazSorna of Union Music Fest. concluded in ShirazSorna of Union Music Fest. concluded in Shiraz