MOSCOW, Dec. 26 (MNA) – Mass graves of torture victims have been uncovered in liberated Aleppo, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said Monday.

"Mass burial sites of many dozens [of Syrians], who had been subjected to brutal torture and [then] murdered, have been found," Maj. Gen. Konashenkov said. "In many cases, body parts are missing; most victims had been shot in the head. And this, it seems, is only the beginning."

Konashenkov said that the instances are being recorded as serious war crimes and will be given maximum publicity "so that European backers of the so-called opposition in London and Paris are well aware of who their wards actually are."

Konashenkov further revealed that militants of the "moderate opposition" mined in eastern Aleppo nearly everything: toys, streets, entrances to premises, cars and motorcycles. "Literally everything, for which there was enough time and ammunition, was mined: the streets, entrances to premises, vehicles, motorcycles lying on roads, and even children's toys," Konashenkov said.

He added that seven large ammunition depots, enough to arm several infantry battalions, were discovered in Aleppo.

On December 22, the Syrian government forces assumed full control of Aleppo as the last convoy with militants left the embattled city. Syrian government forces have been fighting against multiple opposition and terrorist groups, including ISIL and Jabhat Fatah al Sham, formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra, or Nusra Front. The Syrian civil war has been ongoing since 2011.