Publish Date: 30 November 2016 - 11:28

TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) – “Iran is willing to hold its production rate steady at the level agreed upon at OPEC’s Algeria meeting,” said Iran's Oil Minister Zangeneh upon arrival in Vienna for the OPEC meeting of Nov. 30.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to keep its output rate at the level agreed upon at the OPEC September talks in Algeria,” said Iranian Oil Minister, Bijan Namdar Zangeneh, upon arrival in Austrian capital city of Vienna where the member states of OPEC are slated to meet on Wednesday.

When asked if Iran will accompany OPEC in production cut, Zangeneh reaffirmed that the Islamic Republic of Iran will not change its output rate decided upon in Algeria.

The 171st official meeting of OPEC (the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) members will kick off on Wednesday in Vienna with the main objective of reaching a unanimous decision to revive the stagnating prices of the crude.
