Publish Date: 15 August 2016 - 15:13

TEHRAN, Aug. 15 (MNA) – Iran’s Deputy FM for Arab-African Affairs held talks with Putin's Special Representative for the Middle East and North Africa Michael Bogdanov on Mon. in Tehran.

Bogdanov, who arrived in Tehran Sunday night for an official visit, held talks with Hossein Jaberi Ansari at Espinas Palace Hotel in Tehran on Monday, 15 August.

During the visit, the two sides conferred on advancing common strategies in combating international terrorism and finding a political solution to Syrian crisis.

This meeting as well as the upcoming visit of Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov are in line with the planned consultations between the two countries in expanding bilateral ties, discussing JCPOA-related affairs and boosting regional cooperation.

The regional cooperation between Tehran and Moscow resulting from strong political relations between the countries in recent years has led to the continuation of Iran and Russia’s shared positions on Middle Eastern affairs, particularly in regard to achieving a political solution to current conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Their close cooperation has also put terrorist groups and their allies at an impasse.

Bogdanov is scheduled to meet with Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif later today.
