Publish Date: 3 June 2016 - 13:28

TEHRAN, Jun. 03 (MNA) – Ayatollah Khamenei addressed gathering of hundreds of thousands of people commemorating 27th demise anniversary of late founder of the Islamic Revolution Imam Khomeini.

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei who was addressing the commemoration ceremony in holy shrine of Imam Khomeini (RA) based on an annual tradition, hailed the personality of Imam who was a faithful personality; “one of the expressions about Imam Khomeini which is used less, is describing him as ‘faithful, devout & Revolutionary’ which is a comprehensive and complete explanation of him.”

“Imam Khomeini had faith in ‘God,’ and in his ‘goal’ and in the path which helped him attain this goal; he was ‘faithful in people;’ these characteristics are the same as Prophet is explained in Holy Quran,” Leader said and asserted that “materialistic powers were always angry at and wrathful of Imam and of course they were fearful of him which was mainly due to Revolutionary characteristics of Imam.”

“The enemies are increasing their pressure on Iran because they are afraid of the Iranian nation’s ‘Revolutionary spirit’ - a legacy of the late Imam Khomeini;” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

Censuring the global economic system, the Leader said it is controlled mostly by Zionist elements. “Sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic on the pretext of its nuclear program were actually aimed at crippling the Iranian nation and its economy,” he added. “They always threatened us with military options and sanctions, but our people neither feared military threat nor were paralyzed by sanctions; they continued their movement courageously and it must continue to be the same.”

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to recent remarks by an American political figure who had said the sanctions against Iran were because of the Islamic revolution and urged the nation to be aware that the entire issue of imposing of sanctions were due to their opposition to 1979 Revolution and issues such as nuclear case were only excuses to impose sanctions.


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Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei who was addressing the commemoration ceremony in holy shrine of Imam Khomeini (RA) based on an annual tradition, hailed the personality of Imam who was a faithful personality; “one of the expressions about Imam Khomeini which is used less, is describing him as ‘faithful, devout & Revolutionary’ which is a comprehensive and complete explanation of him.”

“Imam Khomeini had faith in ‘God,’ and in his ‘goal’ and in the path which helped him attain this goal; he was ‘faithful in people;’ these characteristics are the same as Prophet is explained in Holy Quran,” Leader said and asserted that “materialistic powers were always angry at and wrathful of Imam and of course they were fearful of him which was mainly due to Revolutionary characteristics of Imam.”

“The enemies are increasing their pressure on Iran because they are afraid of the Iranian nation’s ‘Revolutionary spirit’ - a legacy of the late Imam Khomeini;” Ayatollah Khamenei said. “Before Revolution, the United States and the UK were ruling over us. Our grand Imam changed Iran’s path and changed the rail-track. Imam Khomeini guided country toward great objectives that can be summarized in Divine religion and they are uprooting ignorance and oppression as well as establishing Islamic values system.”

“If we act Revolutionarily, progress is certain; otherwise, as Imam said “Islam will be slapped in face” and will suffer a miserable destiny,” he asserted. “Any person or movement working in name of Islam, if trusts the US has committed a great mistake and will suffer its consequences; as in recent years, some Islamic movements trusted the US on the pretexts of political rationality and tactics and thus were slapped in face as a result and suffered its consequences.”

Censuring the global economic system, the Leader said it is controlled mostly by Zionist elements. “Sanctions imposed on the Islamic Republic on the pretext of its nuclear program were actually aimed at crippling the Iranian nation and its economy,” he added. “They always threatened us with military options and sanctions, but our people neither feared military threat nor were paralyzed by sanctions; they continued their movement courageously and it must continue to be the same.”

“It is no honor if a country’s economy is integrated and sinks into world economy, it is a damage and loss. Economic independence can be achieved only through Resistance Economy. The ‘Resistance Economy’ is the only way for the Iranian nation to achieve economic independence,” said Ayatollah Khamenei, calling on state officials to take domestic capabilities into account.

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to recent remarks by an American political figure who had said the sanctions against Iran were because of the Islamic revolution and urged the nation to be aware that the entire issue of imposing of sanctions were due to their opposition to 1979 Revolution and issues such as nuclear case were only excuses to impose sanctions.

He emphasized that the Revolution had rescued country from quagmire of dependence, backwardness, political corruption and moral corruption as well as international misery the country was suffering.

The Leader further enumerated some of main foundation of the Islamic Revolution; “a basic foundation is to follow pure Islam vis-à-vis American Islam. American Islam has two branches which are secular Islam and reactionary Islam, and both of them are supported by the Arrogance. Pure Islam includes everything from private and personal life to formation of Islamic establishment. Another foundation is central role of people that when accompanied by Islam, the combination forms the Islamic Republic.”

He then turned to the issue of the situation in the region and Iran’s significant role in the region as well as the enemy’s hostility towards the Islamic Republic and pointed to US President Barack Obama’s letters sent to Ayat. Khamenei. “At times enemy sends letter asking for our cooperation in solving the global issues together; it is only a diplomatic gesture with deceptive nature to get us play in enemy’s game,” he said and reiterated that “if we refused to be part of US-led coalition in regional issues and Syrian issue is due to same reason that we do not want to play in enemy’s game and ground.”

Criticizing those inside the country who fail to recognize the very existence of enemy, the Leader stated that “some deny existence of enemy. They say we have conspiracy theory. Considering enemy a delusion is by itself a conspiracy to reduce sensitivities towards enemy.”

“It is more than a century that the United States and Britain have been putting pressure on people in Palestine. The Arrogance directly supports the country who is bombing people in Yemen. It is not bombing frontlines! It bombs hospitals and bazaars and schools and public areas. So, the Islamic Establishment cannot remain indifferent,” he strongly condemned West and some regional countries

The Leader of the Revolution pointed to the nuclear talks and said “anyone who has ever trusted the Americans was eventually slapped by it. The experience of nuclear talks proved that even if we compromise, the United States will not stop its destructive role. While Iran has fulfilled its obligations completely, the US is disloyal to its commitments and has failed to fulfill its duties under the deal.”

He further pointed to a number of US hostilities against the Iranian nation including the 1953 coup against Mosaddeq and downing of Iranian passenger flight with nearly 300 civilians aboard and said confronting the United States was confrontation against a front whose center is US security system; a system which has the means to depict them in form of some regional governments.

Ayatollah Khamenei concluded by promising the youths by saying that “Dear youths! Believe and trust in Divine promise that ‘If you help Allah, He will help you.’” (Quran 47:7)