TEHRAN, May 08 (MNA) – Leader of Islamic Revolution has urged promotion of an image of a ‘kind and strong friend’ police in public minds.

Ayatollah Khamenei addressed a meeting of police commanders and high ranking officers, where he believed that ‘security’ was a very important issue and underlined the need for rigorous supervision of law enforcement officials on the ‘moral and social security’ of their staff and employees.

“Base your programs and plans on ‘reason, determination, authority, the rule of law and compassion’ to depict a favorable image of the police in the minds of the public,” he added.

The Leader pointed to several important events in recent months, lavishing accolade on the commanders and police personnel, as well as the minister of interior for their efforts in establishing security during Fajr Decade ceremonies, February 11 rallies and also peaceful holding of Parliamentary and Assembly of Experts elections, and their responsible performance in the country's roads during Nowruz vacations.  

“The statistics show decreased number of accidents but the figures are still high and more security should be provided,” the Leader suggested.

“Security is a high priority; without security, it is impossible for people to live their daily life and do any scientific, academic and economic activity,” Ayatollah Khamenei added. “Any action on Resistance Economy and the strengthening of endogenous economy requires security as one of the pillars of plan and implementation.”

Ayatollah Khamenei highly regarded the accurate examination of the origins of insecurity by the Police and the responsible agencies, stressing that all institutions should help the Police efficiently attend to its responsivities.

“Moral integrity, accuracy and motivation among senior police commanders, and the fair conduct of minister of interior with the Police provide great opportunities for achieving the desired goals,” he added.

“Morality and public concerns and grievances are key factors to be addressed by the Police; addiction, delinquency and breaking norms threaten the physical and ethical security of a society; expert advice of relevant authorities, especially those within the police force, are needed to provide a detailed plan to deal with these issues,” Leader concluded.  

