TEHRAN, Dec. 19 (MNA) – The AEOI head Salehi said Sat. Iran will export about 9 tons of enriched uranium to Russia in the next few days in exchange for the 137 tons of imported yellowcake.

The Head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi made the remark among reporters on Saturday, on the sidelines of the second unveiling ceremony of knowledge-based firms achievements. He added that fuel exchange between Iran and Russia is progressing smoothly.

He maintained that good progress was also made in regard to the closure of the PMD and implementation of the nuclear accord, adding “a series of parallel measures must be taken such as dismantling centrifuges, which are progressing according to the agreed procedure. We must remove centrifuges in a way that would deal the minimum amount of damage to them.”

Salehi further touched upon the issue of Arak heavy water reactor, saying the heart of the power plant will be dismantled; “the preparatory work is done while we wait until Monday for another document to be signed in Vienna. This will be the fourth and final document on Arak reactor,” he said.  

The AEOI head went on to add that the document will provide sufficient guarantee to ensure the Iranian side of the commitment of the Western side under the JCPOA; “we will do our best to progress with the measures according to the set timetable despite the delays the New Year holidays in West would likely impose.”

Salehi also deemed the country’s production of radiopharmaceuticals ‘relatively good’, adding their number would increase in time under cooperation with the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology.  

Under a Kremlin decree published on November 23, Russian President Vladimir Putin has lifted the ban on supplying Iran with uranium enrichment equipment, technology and related materials, and the two countries will extend cooperation on implementing various joint nuclear projects.

