Publish Date: 11 November 2015 - 13:46

BAGHDAD, Nov. 11 (MNA) – The Iraqi Army and Shia voluntaries of the Popular Mobilization Forces besieged Ramadi on Tuesday in preparation for the offensive to free it from the ISIL, whose members they also fought in Salaheddin.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Defense said the Army troops advanced from four directions towards Ramadi, the capital of Al-Anbar province, some 110 km west of Baghdad, after laying siege on the terrorists and expelling them from five areas.

Besides, the forces loyal to Baghdad expelled the extremists from a military camp and a base belonging to the 8th Army division that was under control of the Takfiris of ISIL west of Ramadi.

Chief of General Staff of Iraq, Lieut. Gen. Othman Al-Ghanimi, said that the fundamentalists lost their support bases in the province and are no longer able to confront regular troops and allied Shia and Sunni militias.

During the latest clashes, the ISIL members abandoned their positions and weapons and fled from the battlefield, said Ghanimi, who announced that the campaign to free Ramadi will start soon.

Military sources said that hundreds of troops and many armored vehicles were deployed on Monday for the military operations.

