Publish Date: 21 October 2015 - 15:07

TEHRAN, Oct. 21 (MNA) – Revolution’s Leader Ayatollah Khamenei in a letter to President Hassan Rouhani outlined important orders for the implementation of the JCPOA.

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei in a letter to President Rouhani issued on Wednesday, expressed his appreciation with the negotiating team for its tremendous efforts as well as the Iranian officials who were critical about certain negative points of the nuclear agreement.

The Iranian Leader warned against the US stance toward Iran’s nuclear program as nothing but animosity, saying the cause of this perpetual animosity is the nature and identity of the Islamic Republic of Iran and as long as the Islamic Republic continues to disappoint and resist the US hegemony, the animosity would remain.

Ayat. Khamenei stressed the need for strong and adequate guarantees, such as a written announcement from US president and the EU on the lift of sanctions, to prevent the other side from violating its commitments.

The Leader maintained that throughout the 8-year term, the imposition of sanctions at any level and under any pretext from any of the negotiating countries would mean the violation of the JCPOA and the Iranian government is obliged to cease its own commitments under the accord.

Ayat. Khamenei further stressed that the two following measures would come into effect only when the IAEA closes the case over Iran's past and present nuclear activities.

The Leader asserted that Arak reactor modernization while maintaining its heavy water function will start only after signing a reliable contract for an alternative design.

On the issue of enriched uranium transaction, the Leader also stressed on a reliable contract followed by adequate guarantees.  

He also maintained that measures in line with developing the country’s nuclear energy industry to be started from now until the next 15 years and to reach the 190,000 SWU will be reviewed carefully in the Supreme National Security Council.

Ayat. Khamenei further issued an order to the AEOI to organize nuclear research and development so that by the end of the 8-year term, there will be no lack of necessary technology for the accepted level of enrichment in the JCPOA.

He also stressed that the point of reference is the text of the negotiations itself and not the interpretations of the other side.

The Leader also ordered for a strong and knowledgeable team to be formed in order to observe and monitor the progress and the execution of commitments by the other side. 


The full text of the letter will soon be published.

