Shiva Sadegh-Asadi’s short animation ‘The Kitten’ is participating at the 13th edition of a nonprofit film festival called KloosterKino organized each year in the Dutch city of Nijmegen.
'The Kitten', an 11-minute animation with no dialogue, depicts the world of a little girl whose parents are unresponsive to their daughter’s emotions and dreams, so much are they wrapped up in their own problems. One day the girl finds a cat that has given birth to three kittens in the family yard. Observing the cats she leaves the human world and enters the feline one, wishing to become a kitten.
Directed by Shiva Sadeq-Asadi, it is a production of the Institute for Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults.
'The Kitten' has been screened in a number of other international festivals including the 7th Klik! Amsterdam Animation Festival in Netherlands and Interfilm, an international short film festival in Berlin, and managed to garner three awards from its international screenings.
KloosterKino screenings take place in the monumental Dobbelmann cloister in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. KloosterKino is the place to be for animated shorts, showcasing the best animated shorts from all over the world in a friendly setting for three nights a year. This year’s edition of the festival will take place from 10-12 October, 2015.