Publish Date: 9 September 2015 - 15:56

TEHRAN, Sep. 09 (MNA) – Iran’s Leader Ayat. Khamenei said on Wed. the Americans’ animosity toward Iran is never-ending, while strongly criticizing those who insist on “disguising this Great Satan as the savior angel.”

Iran’s Leader Ayatollah Khamenei while receiving people from different walks of life on Wednesday stressed that the US does not conceal its animosity toward Iran, adding “they seek to negotiate with Iran while negotiations for them is an instrument for infiltration and imposing their own will  on other nations."

“We agreed to hold talks with the US only on the nuclear issue and for particular reasons, and thank God, our negotiators did a good job,” said the Leader, highlighting that he has not authorized negotiations in other areas and will not engage in talks with the Americans. "We allowed negotiation with US only on nuclear issue for certain reasons, in other areas we did not and will not allow negotiations with US. We would negotiate and reach agreement in different levels of 'state, religion or ethnic groups' with all countries but the Great Satan," asserted the Ayatollah Khamenei.

Referring to comments by the Israeli regime that Israel will have no more concerns about Iran for the coming 25 years as a result of the nuclear agreement, the Leader said, “first of all, you will not see the next 25 years, and God willing, there will be no such thing as ‘the Zionist regime’ by the next 25 years.” The Leader added that until then, the “resisting, heroic and jihadi morale will leave no moment of peace and serenity for Zionists."

Deeming the description of the United States as “the Great Satan” by the late Imam Khomeini highly remarkable, the Leader said, “Satan only seduces and deceives but the US seduces, deceives, kills, and imposes sanctions.”

While strongly criticizing those who insist on “disguising this Great Satan as the savior angel”, he said “the Satan that the Iranian nation expelled through the door, is trying to return through the window. We must not allow this to happen.”

The Leader deemed the Americans’ animosity against Iranian nation “perpetual” saying “in the days after the JCPOA and the agreement the fate of which is not yet decided, the Americans in the Congress are busy devising plots and bills to create problems for Iran.”  

He maintained that the only way to end the US plots is the national dignity and power of Iranians so that “the Great Satan would lose confidence in gaining any results from its animosity.”

The Leader then underscored the importance of having strong and Resistance economy, advanced science, and a Revolutionary spirit as three factors that strengthen the Iranian nation in the face of enemies.

