TEHRAN, May 13 (MNA) – Iran’s FM discussed latest developments in Yemen with Ban Ki-moon in a phone conversation.

Noting the genocide and crimes committed against innocent Yemeni people, Zarif underlined the significant role of UN in establishing ceasefire and said “the crimes are obvious violation of international law and will result in development of extremist and terrorist groups as well as deterioration of the humanitarian crisis.”

He hoped the efforts made by UN Secretary General and international community would bring crimes against Yemenis to an end. “Iran supports the efforts by UN to stop invasion, to dispatch humanitarian aids, and to establish Yemeni-Yemeni talks and believes that the only way to resolve the crisis is to establish an inclusive government rather than militarization,” Zarif added.

Ban Ki-moon, while acclaiming Iran’s efforts in forming the political procedure of the issue and dispatching aids for Yemeni people, asserted that security and stability in Yemen and whole region could be established through political solutions and that UN would continue its efforts in this regard.

He expressed hope an immediate ceasefire would be established in Yemen.