TEHRAN, Apr. 13 (MNA) – Iran’s senior nuclear negotiator has told a group of students in Islamic Azad University fact-sheet publishing is conditioned on the authorities’ approval.

Hamid Baeidinejad responded to nuclear questions on Monday in a meeting with Islamic Azad University Medical School students. Baeidinejad told the students that fact-sheet was prepared before and would be published whenever the higher authorities of the country agreed to.

On a question whether a period of six months would be enough for implementation of provisions of comprehensive deal, Baeidinejad said that negotiators were far from addressing the details of the agreement deal; “with the same token, I would not give you an assessment of the time needed for implementation of the provisions,” he added.

Baeidinejad, however, believed that definitely the six-month period would seem unrealistic, and that “Iranian side would consider shorter time period.”

On a different question about remarks by US Secretary of State John Kerry who said that they would be committed to articles of their fact-sheet, nuclear negotiator told the reporters that the US fact-sheet was different from Iranian fact-sheet, and was an interpretation of the joint statement; “our fact-sheet is what has been said by our officials,” he said.

About possible inconveniencies on payments of Iran’s unfrozen assets, Baeidinejad said that the payments had normally been made to Iran and would remain so by end of the June.

On remarks by head of AEOI Ali Akbar Salehi regarding publishing of Iranian fact-sheet, he said that Mr. Salehi had emphasized that Iranian fact-sheet was prepared and would be published if higher authorities agreed.

On removal of primary sanctions and whether these sanctions would be removed in next phases of the agreement, he said that primary sanctions were a counterpart to secondary sanctions; “the subject matter of current negotiation are secondary sanctions; we are currently in no position to address US-specific sanctions against companies and firms engaging in trade with Iran; this would need bilateral negotiations specifically held to address these sanctions,” Baeidinejad said. “We are not addressing Iran-US bilateral issues yet; sanctions hitting Iran since the Hostage Crisis of 1980 are not the issue, however, we believe these sanctions as well are cruel and have no legitimacy,” he asserted.