Publish Date: 3 April 2015 - 23:11

TEHRAN, Apr. 03 (MNA) – The head of Parliament National Security and Foreign Policy Commission has said the US has a mindset, assuming all countries seek nuclear weapons.

Alaeddin Boroujerdi told Iran’s state TV IRNN on Thursday night that the US had been violating NPT sixth article, and that “they foster a mindset which assumes any country seeking nuclear program will necessarily seek nuclear weapons as well.”

Boroujerdi was talking to the TV network about Zarif-Mogherini press conference and reading of joint statement after nine days of hectic negotiations in Lausanne. “A considerable portion of Obama’s remarks was intended to provide an apology for their misguided policies toward Iran in the past; they sought to satisfy the Zionist regime, Congress, and US allies in the region, and that was why he said that he would send delegations during next few weeks to these countries to brief them on the agreement achieved in Lausanne,” Boroujerdi told state TV news network.

He also believed that the US president had acknowledged the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program, and that this recognition cast a hue of legitimacy on Iran’s nuclear program; “we should remember that once they would not come to terms so easily with the idea of enrichment inside Iran,” added the senior parliamentarian.

“This is a political manoeuvring by President Obama who said that sanctions regime would be restored should Iran deviated from its peaceful path; they have tacitly recognized Iran’s peaceful nature of nuclear program, and the fatwa by Ayatollah Khamenei banning proliferation of nuclear weapons has had firm bases,” asserted Boroujerdi, who warned that Islamic Republic of Iran would return to its former path if the US and other members of the 5+1 failed to live to their commitments.