Publish Date: 21 March 2015 - 22:06

TEHRAN, Mar. 21 (MNA) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei delivered his New Year address to the nation at Imam Reza (PBUH)’s Holy Shrine in Mashhad.

Addressing the nation at a speech delivered in Mashhad, the Leader said marking Nowruz is not in conflict with religious values as the Iranian nation uses Nowruz as a framework for promoting Islamic values.

Reflecting on the true meaning of promoting good and prohibiting evil as an Islamic principle, the Leader said establishment and protection of the Islamic state is the most important of goods from the viewpoint of Islam.

"Islam expects to see synergism and solidarity among people," Ayat. Khamenei said, adding that in an Islamic political system government has to be approved and supported by its people and “this is the sum of Islamic solidarity in our Islamic country.”

Considering the nuclear negotiations, the Leader said that the illegal and unjust sanctions, provided Iran with an opportunity to develop independent economy.

Leader stressed that sanctions are the only weapon in hands of western enemy against Iran, but they are unable to stop Iran as they are ineffective; and that self-sufficiency is one way against sanctions.

Any agreement has to remove sanctions entirely and conditions for lifting sanctions are unacceptable, Ayat. Khamenei added.

The Leader continued: “talks with US are only and only on nuclear issue and Iran never talks regional or domestic issues with US as American policies are opposite to Iran's policies and interests of the region.”

Iran's Leader rejected the proposal put forward by US President Barak Obama in his Nowruz message to Iranian people that Iranians must accept the US dictation if they want to salvage the national economy and urged all Iranians for pursuing the resistance economy, adding that: “the government must spare no effort to go ahead with the resistance economy.” Ayatollah Khamenei also asserted that the claim in President Obama's message that some in Iran are against diplomatic solution to nuclear issue is totally wrong and a big lie; "no one in Iran is against a diplomatic solution to Iran's nuclear issue."

“All should demonstrate consensus and help the government, especially when the country is facing important issues and significant challenges,” concluded he.