Publish Date: 6 December 2014 - 17:50

TEHRAN, Dec. 06 (MNA) – The Industrial Development & Renovation Organization of Iran will soon launch for the first time the production of a domestically-manufactured High Intensity Focus Ultrasound (HIFU).

Jahan Tavakkoli, Iranian professor at Canada’s Ryerson University and the innovator of ultrasound therapy elaborated on this new therapeutic method and said, “until now, ultrasound has been used in treatment diagnostics, but during the last eight years I have been researching on using ultrasound in therapy which has now born results.”

“What we do is to place the ultrasound in environmental conditions; that will enable us to either remove or alter parts of a tissue for therapeutic purposes,” he explained.

While maintaining that this new technology is known as High Intensity Focus Ultrasound (HIFU), he said, “this method is beginning to gain more popularity in Iran, and a number of clinical HIFU devices have been imported for various uses.”

According to this Iranian researcher, HIFU can have many therapeutic uses, the main use of which is for treating cancer, although some HIFU devices are already being used today for cosmetic surgery.

“By using HIFU, we increase the intensity of the ultrasound and concentrate it on a tiny spot inside the tissue to burn it without leaving any marks on the surrounding tissues,” he said.

Tavakkoli announced that the first Iranian-manufactured HIFU prototype will be soon produced based on his project and sponsored by the Industrial Development & Renovation Organization of Iran.