Publish Date: 16 September 2014 - 14:27

TEHRAN, Sep. 16 (MNA) – Iran’s FM is in New York for the 7th round of Iran and P5+1 nuclear talks and UN General Assembly.

Mohammad Javad Zarif heads the team of negotiations including Seyed Abbas Araghchi, Majid Takht Ravanchi, Hamid Baidinejad, Mohammad Amiri, Pejman Rahimian, and Davoud Mohammadnia.

The negotiation team departed for New York early hours of Tuesday. According to the agenda, Zarif will meet in a working launch session with Catherine Ashton, EU foreign policy chief. On Wednesday evening and Thursday Iran and P5+1 will meet bilaterally. On Thurdday evening the meeting will be chaired by Zarif and Ashton.

There are speculations that both sides would meet after General Assembly again. Seyed Abbas Araghchi had told the press the day before yesterday that a final deal was unlikely with so many negotiations and some differences still to be addressed.

Araghchi also said there might not be a ministerial level meeting unless both sides felt that such meeting contributes significantly to the progress in talks.