TEHRAN, June 21 (MNA) – An interior ministry official has denied that a border guard has been killed in western city of Qasr-e-Shirin.

The head of communications and international affairs office of the interior ministry said that he would ensure the nation that the country had reinforced security in western and eastern borders, and it would not act with laxity in protecting its borders.

Speaking to Mehr News, Rouhollah Jome’ei responded to news stories speculating about the death of a border guard in western city of Qasr-e-Shirin by a terrorist group. “The upheaval created by the ISIS in Iraq has made some media inside the country to amateurishly to act as the mouthpiece of the terrorist group, fabricating false stories in an attempt to aggrandize the petty terrorist group’s hollow drum through publicizing false stories and atrocities of the group against the civilians, albeit unintentionally,” he added.

He recommended the media to ‘consider national security and interest’ in their coverage of the stories. “People should know that the Islamic Republic of Iran is strongly present in its western and eastern borders,” he asserted.

“This is only conceivable in terms of psychological operation against the public. The enemy seeks to spread the horror of the ISIS, and the past history shows that groups stronger and more organized than ISIS had received crashing response before from our forces in borders,” Jome’ei said.