The documentary, Pars Sea Pearl, is produced by Abdolkhaleq Taheri in Khalij-e-Fars, the provincial TV station of Hormozgan province and will be aired in National Day of Persian Gulf 21:30 hours local time tonight.
The documentary focuses on the human, natural and historical geography of the Hormozgan province with emphasis upon the Island of Qeshm, Bandar Abbas, the Strait of Hormuz, and the nearby isles.
The documentary was shot in the season when the turtles lay eggs in Qeshm Island and features also shrimp fishing.
Pars Sea Pearl also catches a glimpse of diverse subjects such as fishing, ship captains, boat and boat building, the local architecture, clothing, and rites and rituals.
Malek Mohsen Qaderi, Saadat Rahimzadeh, and Houshang Fathi have written the text of the documentary.